What is this normality and who defines it?
The dictionary says that normal is: "conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural; serving to establish a standard".
From a psychological side of view, normal is "approximately average in any psychological trait; as intelligence; personality or emotion adjustment", "free from any mental disorder; sane"
Quoting John Wesley: "we may agree to disagree"; but we'll get back to this later.
Now, let's go back!
"Normal" is not easy to define. The perception of normal must be analyzed individually, not as a group or community. In my opinion, it can be also analyzed as a sequence of events. Let me give you some examples:
It is normal for me to go to sleep very late (04:00 - 05:00 a.m.), but it's not normal for you (for various reasons), and Vice versa.
It was normal for the older generation to wear uniforms in school but not for us.
It's normal for a guy to have sex with three different women in a week, but for the most of us, it's a dream.
What for you is normal, for someone else may be extraordinary; therefore, abnormal.
Normality can be, also, considered as a balance: when you're talking about somebody.. "yeah! he's alright... he does some good things, some bad things... that's normal".
Usually, the normality is perceived as conforming to society's standards; you are normal if you obey rules / laws / authority, go to work / school, interact with people around you in certain ways. This leads to creating stereotypes. You need to do this thing because this is the way! If you do it in another way, you are breaking the stereotype and, as a result, you're not normal. A society is incapable of perceiving all of its members as individuals.
The "normality" boundaries are set by the level of majority. If, all of us would be rich, this would be the center of normality. In consequence, we wouldn't be rich, we would be normal.
In the first phrases I said that I agree to disagree with the dictionary and the psychological side of view.
Normal it is NOT natural nor having approximately average personality. Being natural and having personality means being yourself. Acting how you feel, dressing how you like, etc. Being yourself defines you as an individual and not a part of a group / stereotype. Normal is not Unique.
On that account, it is safe to say that "Normality" is the enemy of freedom and the ally of common and monotony; diminishing our originality and destroying our essence.
My personal conclusion: the perception of normality is being defined by each individual.
Do you find that normal? I find it as well!
Do you find it abnormal? Well, guess what? I find it too! Because it's normal that some people agree with you and others don't; and it's abnormal for everybody to agree or disagree.
Normally, I would say: "Stay tuned, there is more to come!"
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